Stanford is revitalising itself after total lockdown!
One of the main features of the Stanford Revitalisation Plan is to open up spaces for communal use and improve the heritage feeling of the village.
The wall between the municipal building and the tourism bureau area has been knocked down to start the first of 3 proposed precincts. The post boxes will be moved to open up the village green from the main road (the boxes will be moved to behind the library).
The tourism bureau will move to the board room area at the end of the month.

The new Stanford Village centre is opening up.
We cannot thank the Overstrand Municipality (especially Kat Mybugh and Dudley Coetzee) enough for embracing the village’s plan and executing it this year. For many residents it may be an eye-opener to know that all types of construction-related projects follow a cumbersome route… but once the decision has been made, the result is super fast.
The first presentation to the municipality was made in 2014; then it had to be included in the 5-year Integrated Development Plan so funds could be made available; then funds needed to be found…. and 6 years later it is HAPPENING.
In the new financial year (starting 1 July) the roads adjacent to the Village Green will be paved (not tarred). We cannot wait to see the transformation!