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Stanford Needs You

Stanford pulls you in, whether it’s the strong magnetic lines that lie beneath our beautiful village attracting us, whether it’s the peace, the natural beauty, the sense of community and a myriad of other reasons that come to mind that keep us here, there seems to be one over riding theme- we are truly blessed to live in this wonderful place.

However, there was a time, not so long ago, when the beauty of our village was under threat and were it not for some “ground breaker visionaries”, who had the foresight to stand together to conserve our home and surrounds, we might not be living in the paradise we know today. Thank you, Mariana and Peter Esterhuizen, Peter De Villiers and David Evans: without you we might not be where we are today – in our little piece of paradise.

For these are the people who had the vision to found the Stanford Conservation Trust with the following goals in mind:

To assist in protecting and conserving for future generations the environment we know as Stanford in all its forms, air, landscape, soil, water, flora and fauna, including aquatic and bird life and to conserve and protect the existing rural, historic and “village” character.

The Trust is an NPO run entirely by non- paid volunteers. We need to raise funds through outside grants, donations and membership fees of R100 a year.

These funds get used to conserve and improve our environment and our community.